Unexplained Inc.

Lauren Holder Flynn...The Soul Whisperer

Phantom Phil Episode 4

Lauren Holder Flynn is a psychic medium as well as a paranormal investigator. She also teaches psychic development and has a subscription service on her website (https://laurenholderflynn.com) called The Spiritual Playground. This service offers training and tips with all kinds of spiritual modalities. She is soon starting a podcast with the same name. In this episode here are some of the pointers she discusses with Phantom Phil:

- Her mutual paranormal acquaintances and connections with Phil
- Her upcoming ghost hunts and spirit circles (aka: seances) in various parts of southern Ontario Canada.
- How deepening her psychic abilities helped her through crippling anxiety.
- The paranormal investigator connection to Indiana Jones.
- Psychic premonitions in dreams...the good...and the not-so good
- The ancient societies of Atlantis and Lumeria and why some of their lost wisdom may in fact be returning.
- Plus so much more...

Connect with Lauren here:

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