Unexplained Inc.

Consciousness Cafe #6....sharing the 8/8 Portal w/ Andye Murphy

August 08, 2024 Phantom Phil Episode 20

Andye is back for her first solo episode in almost two years on this special Thursday night edition of the show.  Here are a few of the things discussed in this edition of the Cafe:
- The Denver Airport and it's wonderful weirdness
- Her migration from Louisiana to Colorado and all of its blessings
- Metaphysical Denver
- What is lighting her up about the Akashic this days?
- Origins of orb sightings
- Why its an awesome time to exist with all the external chaos
Plus so much more...

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50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024