Unexplained Inc.

Mediumship, Astrology & Collective Optimism w/ The Belladonna: Amber Taylor

Phantom Phil Episode 196

Amber Taylor returns to the podcast to help us say goodbye to this sticky and heavy winter and push us forward into spring. Her and Phantom Phil share that they've been through a lot this past winter and why it should go. Here are some other topics discussed:

- Phil's spirit encounter on Halloween night at the event Amber was co-hosting.

- The relocation of the Obskurrah Bazaar...which has unexpectedly played a significant role in the show's history.

- Trying to balance day to day life as a medium

- The planetary transits, alignments and eclipses coming through shortly.

- Spiritual bypassing...and so much more!

- Also...is the show getting an uninvited intruder next week??

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